Monday, November 28, 2005

Sony game systems

Ok, they have abused our trust by adding Malware to our computers.

I think we need to talk a little louder to them. Just as they decided to 'omit' the warning about the attached malware gumming up our machines and SPYING on us, let's 'omit' the new PS3 being released next year? We could all but the new XBox 360 and have much more fun without Sony. And if you have a Sony game system now, just buy used games which will keep the money out the the infectors!! I have a PS2 slimline, but EVERYTHING I purchase for it will be off brands or used, from this day forward.

They still use MediaMax's malware and quite possibly others! They still will not say the words " we will not do this again" and, in fact, they even continue to talk about using malware even MORE in the future to protect/track their cd's!

I thought they were our cd's, once we purchased them?

This is a new concept in America, everything we have ever purchased, still belongs to the manufacturer! It is on loan to you, that's all.

Has Sony gone NUTS over trying to stop the "monsters" hiding in the corner? I wonder what else they are "seeing" that they think they must protect themselves from?


MediaMax just as bad!

It seems Sony did know what was going on with the XCP malware. They have been deploying MediaMax's malware long before "testing" the XCP junk! Check out the "press releases" on the First4Internet's website and for some more shocking reading, check out Sony's Australia's website.
and how they tell them how they used the "Rootkit" in America but not in Australia!

It reads:

"SONY BMG can assure you that all CDs and DVDs manufactured by us in Australia for local release do not contain content protection technology developed by UK company First4Internet.

First4Internet's XCP technology was used in the US for a limited number of titles manufactured for release there. This has been referred to as "rootkit" technology and has been the subject of recent media coverage.

The easiest way to work out if a CD or DVD is manufactured in Australia for local release is to look at its back cover. Discs manufactured in Australia for local release will state "Distributed in Australia by SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT (AUSTRALIA) PTY LIMITED". These products will also not have a "Copy Control Technology" logo, which is on products that contain any kind of copy protection technology."

Sony must be stopped! It is up to the consumers to voice their concerns and point of views on where they will be spending their money in the future. We are working on a database of 'contact information' on the artists, so we all can let them know how we want a different option to purchase their cd's!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Sign up to sue Sony with Attorney in Florida!

Thanks to Mark for uncovering this Rootkit installer by Sony. We would ALL be in 'BIG' trouble right now if he did not find this. By now there would be thousands of computers crashing from this malware. As a computer security consultant who spends 50-80 hours a week fighting malware, I could not believe my eyes reading this!

We can not allow them to get away with this.

I have an Attorney "ready to go" against Sony for this sneaky attack on my/their/your machines. I have the "Van Zant ~ Get Right with the Man" cd with the XCP on it. As a network administrator for a law firm, I played this cd on one of the machines while working and am now fixing the security issues on that machine! Please contact me at my site to join this cause.